Ahnlab Trusguard 50




AhnLab TrusGuard는 멀티 코어 기반 전용 하드웨어, 최적화된 소프트웨어 구조를 통해 최상의 성능을 제공하며 다음과 같은 기능을 제공합니다. 기본적인 방화벽, 시그니처 기반 IPS, 웹 필터링 기능을 제공합니다. AhnLab V3 Internet Security For Windows Features. Promotes vibrant protection of the computer system against prevalent viruses and other malicious software like spyware, worms and Trojan horses. Enhances network security through the use of its two-way personal firewall that forestalls unauthorized access.

AhnLab AIPS is an Advanced Network Intrusion Prevention solution
that protects customer’s business environment in response to changes
in cybersecurity threats.

AhnLab AIPS (Advanced IPS) is a powerful network intrusion prevention solution that can respond to rapidly changing cyber security threats caused by digital transformations.

Ahnlab Trusguard 5000a


Security threats are rapidly changing with changes in the network environment. As the number of targets to attack increases and the method of attack varies, there are numerous variations. Along with these threats, Intrusion Prevention Solutions are also experiencing a change. Now it’s time to detect a lot of malware and defend against unknown attacks and more diverse attack elements and environments.

Ahnlab Trustguard 50

Based on AhnLab’s largest security threat analysis organization and infrastructure of Asia, AhnLab AIPS provides optimized network attack response signatures for network environments. While responding to the latest security threats with a variety of sophisticated detection engines and next-generation features, visibility and convenience make it easy and intuitive to identify and analyze threats.